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DLT registration or the distributed leader technology registration is a platform for the telemarketers to register with.
This is a block-chain based technology platform.
This registration has been enabled in the public interest to control the SMS spam domain.
We know that SMS from companies send bulk SMS for their marketing and branding.
We also know that this is similar to spamming unless we have opted for these messages.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has made all bulk SMS users register on the DLT platform.
TRAI requires agencies to send communication messages such as OTP, notifications, verification codes, account details, etc. also to register with the DLT.
The DLT records all the transactions made in the network.
Earlier bulk SMS providers needed to register with the TRAI.
With the new rules in place, both the promotional and transactional SMS senders have to register with the DLT.
Every organization whether private or government has to register with the DLY.
This means all the private organizations like airlines, e-commerce, and government agencies like banks and insurance have to register.
End customer can opt-in or opt-out of these messages.
Only opted in customers get the messages and they have a right or complain or unsubscribe.
Bulk SMS service providers sell to organizations and these providers have to register with the DLT as principal entities.
Telecom operators are directly linked with TRAI and assist in the regulation process.
Examples for this are Airtel, BSNL, etc.
TRAI establishes the regulatory compliances and it audits the related operations to protect customers’ welfare and prevent frauds.
All bulk SMS providers are mandated to follow the new processes set by the DLT under the aegis of the TRAI in India.
It is mandatory to follow these rules lest the providers attract blacklisting by the TRAI.
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